Dietary Supplement Ingredient Soluble Corn Fiber

1.Conditioning the intestines(defecating effect).

2.Reducing cholesterol in blood.

3.Slowing down the speed of blood sugar rise after meals.

4.Improving metabolism of neutral fat.

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Product Details

Resistant Dextrin is obtained by fractionating indigestible components after enzymatic reaction with roasted corn starch.
It is a health functional food ingredient that can help suppress postprandial blood sugar, improve blood triglycerides, and trigger bowel movement.

Resistant Dextrin can be used in various products because it has a low sugar content.
Its low relative sweetness maintains the original product's original taste.

Resistant dextrin is a soluble dietary fiber that cannot be decomposed by human digestive enzymes. It is used in various health fuctional foods as it can help suppress postprandial blood sugar, improve blood neutral lipids, improve intestinal environment

Dietary Supplement Ingredient Soluble Corn Fiber.jpg

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