20 Mesh Lactose Powder

1. Fermentation, providing carbon source.

2. Provide nutrition and energy to humans.

3. Affects the organizational state of dairy products.

4. Affects the color and flavor of dairy products.

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Product Details

Lactose is the only disaccharide in milk in the form of a monomer molecule. It is formed by the connection of glucose and galactose through 1, 4-glucoside bond and produced by lactose synthase in the mammary gland. Human milk is the most abundant, about 7.2g/l00mL. Lactose is mainly digested and absorbed in the empty ileum, and is hydrolyzed to glucose and galactose by the lactase secreted by the brush border of small intestinal epithelial cells, and then absorbed by the active transport of cells. Glucose mainly provides energy for the body, while galactose binds to ceramides with glucoside bonds to form galactocerebroside, which is involved in brain development. Infancy is a critical period of neurological development, so lactose is crucial for the development of the nervous system in infancy

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